RECORDS MANAGEMENT: Provides policy and procedural guidance on all aspects of the Marine Corps Records Management (RM) Program. The policy and procedures for paper and electronic records management are published in MCO 5210.11F, "Marine Corps Records Management Program." ARDB provides assistance to RM system owners for SF 115 requests and processing. ARDB also provides RM assistance to Command Designated Records Managers (CDRM) throughout the Marine Corps, develops training, and approves requests for the transfer of records to the Federal Records Centers (FRCs).
REPORTS MANAGEMENT: Provides policy and procedures for the management of Information Collections, also referred to as “Reports.” ARDB provides the review and approval of all Information Collections levied upon HQMC staff agencies and field activities. Approved reports are published in the applicable activity’s Marine Corps directive. Report sponsors are required to contact the HQMC reports manager (ARDB) when crafting a new reporting requirement or revising an existing report. Listings of approved reports can be viewed on the Records, Reports, and Directives SharePoint Portal website.
DIRECTIVES MANAGEMENT: The Marine Corps’ echelon 1 Directives Management Program Office (DMPO), responsible for all directives written in the name of the Commandant. Supports the Commandant, Assistant Commandant, Director of Marine Corps Staff, and all delegated signing authorities in the management and evolution of HQMC directives. DMPO personnel serve to assist HQMC offices of primary responsibility (OPR/sponsor) through the creation, change, revision, and cancellation of their directives. The Marine Corps’ directives management policy is found within MCO 5215.1K, and further guidance is contained with the Directives Review Process desktop guide and templates.
FORMS MANAGEMENT: ARDB serves as the Program Manager, Marine Corps Forms Management Program (PM/MCFMP), and is responsible for managing, reviewing and designing new and revised forms for use Marine Corps-wide. Form sponsors must submit the draft form(s) to ARDE for review and approval prior to staffing. The PM/MCFMP coordinates with forms sponsors and field commands to validate the need for the form. All Marine Corps prescribed forms are available online at Naval Forms Online. https://forms.documentservices.dla.mil/order/ Marine Corps Electronic Forms (MCEF) is also updated and distributed quarterly on CD-ROM along with Marine Corps Publications Electronic Library (MCPEL). For access to other forms, contact ARDB.