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Administration and Resource Management, Headquarters Marine Corps
Accountability & Control: The HQMC Security Manager is the focal point for control, distribution, and disposition of all classified material at HQMC.  All classified material will be stored in a GSA approved security container, vault, modular vault, or secure room.  Top Secret material will be accounted for via the Classified Document Control Catalog (CDCC) and properly stored, and safeguarded at all times.  The CDCC is the control and accountability tool utilized by all HQMC Staff Agencies/Activities for Top Secret material, Secret Hard-Disk-Drives (HDD), and classified media created using the “write-to-removable media” function. Working papers classified Top Secret must be controlled and treated as a final document.  Personnel hand carrying classified material outside, require a Courier Authorization Card issued by HQMC Security Office.

Destruction:  HQMC controlled material may be returned to ARS for destruction or destroyed locally at the HQMC Staff Agency/Activity level by appropriate and approved means.  Destruction must be in accordance with DoD M-5200.01.  Burn Bag destruction at the Naval Support Facility Arlington is held every Thursday, at 0815.  Drop off location for Burns Bags is the loading dock located on the 1st Floor of Building 12.  Burn Bag destruction at the Pentagon is held Monday through Friday (Expect the 3rd Thursday of each month) from 0800-0900 and again from 1100-1200.  Burn Bags must be brought to the Remote Delivery Facility (RDF) located in the basement of Corridor 5.  A burn bag receipt DD Form 2843 will accompany the material for destruction.  The outside of each bag will be annotated with the highest classification of the contents, the media type if other than paper, section and POC telephone number.  Burn bags must be sealed at the top and not weigh more than 10 lbs or be more than 3/4 full.
Reproduction:  Reproduction of classified material (e.g. paper copies, electronic files, and other materials) shall only be conducted as necessary to accomplish the Staff Agency/Activity mission or comply with applicable statues or directives.