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Administration and Resource Management, Headquarters Marine Corps
The FOIA and PA Section (ARSF) is responsible for implementation of FOIA and PA policy, Marine Corps wide. The USMC FOIA website is maintained, at:
This website provides information to the public about the USMC FOIA program and provides instructions for submitting a FOIA request for USMC documents. The USMC PA website provides administrative tools and guidance to USMC subordinate FOIA/PA officials throughout the Fleet Marine Force.
FOIA Requests. As the HQMC FOIA/PA FOIA Coordinator, ARSF controls and provides administrative support for all FOIA/PA requests seeking access to records maintained in file systems and databases under the possession and control of the Commandant, Assistant Commandant, Director, Marine Corps Staff, and HQMC Departments and Staff Agencies. Any FOIA or PA request received directly by an HQMC Department or Staff Agencies should be immediately delivered to ARSF. ARSF will then staff the request and prepare the appropriate response. ARSF serves as a USMC FOIA Requester Service Center to assist FOIA requesters with complaints or other issues they may be experiencing regarding the processing of requests that have been submitted to HQMC, MCRC, MCSC, MCLC, MCCDC, MARFORCOM,MARFORCENT, MARSOC, MARFORSOUTH, MARFOREUR, MARFORKOREA, MARFORPAC, and MARFORRES.
USMC FOIA Public Liaison. The ARSF Section Head serves as the USMC FOIA Public Liaison for the purpose of mediating unresolved FOIA requester complaint matters addressed to or FOIA requester dissatisfaction with one or more of the 10 USMC FOIA Requester Service Centers.
FOIA/PA Training. ARSF is responsible for providing FOIA/PA training and conducts a two day FOIA/PA training conference at MCB Camp Lejuene, MCB Camp Pendleton and MCB Camp Butler on a triennial basis. ARSF also provides specialized or customized FOIA/PA training for USMC/HQMC components upon request.
PA Systems of Records Notices. ARSF is responsible for ensuring that all PA Systems of Records collections maintained by USMC/HQMC organizations are covered by a current and accurate PA Systems of Records Notice. Any USMC official (PA System of Records Manager) that currently maintains or proposes to maintain a records collection or file system must notify ARSF if the system will store individual names and SSNs. ARSF will work with that system manager to ensure a current and accurate PA Systems of Records Notice is published in the Federal Register. The inventories for PA SORNs affecting USMC records collections can be found, at The USMC Privacy Act website can be found, at:
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Breach Reporting. ARSF is the USMC POC for PII breach reporting. ARSF is included as an addressee on all USMC breach reporting and is responsible for ensuring the USMC reporting official complies with all other requirements (notifications to affected individuals, investigations, follow-up reporting, etc.) as required by Marine Corps Enterprise Information Assurance Directive 011 Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of 09 April 2009.
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA). ARSF reviews all USMC PIAs to ensure that electronic collection of PII complies with relevant statutes, policies and regulations.
Privacy Act Compliance Reviews of Publications and Forms. ARSF reviews all USMC publications and forms for compliance with Privacy Act rulemaking.
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Report. ARSF is responsible for providing USMC data (PA complaints, PA SORNs, PA training, PIAs, web privacy policies, Privacy Act Statements (PAS), etc.) to the DoN Privacy Manager for incorporation into the annual FISMA report. ARSF also prepares other reports (Section 803 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, PL 110-53, Installation Physical Access Control Reports) for submission to the Defense Privacy Office.
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Attn:  FOIA/PA (ARSF) Rm 2B289
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Section Head
(703) 614-4008

Deputy/Privacy Act
(703) 614-4008

(703) 614-4008 

ARSF Fax: (703) 614-6287

FOIA mailbox:
Privacy mailbox:
Administration and Resource Management