Facilities and Space Management Section (ARDD)
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Publishing and Logistics Management
Administration and Resource Management, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps



The Facilities and Space Management Section (ARDD) is responsible for the maintenance and management of all Marine Corps office spaces in the Pentagon and the Arlington Service Center (ASC).   ARDD provides the following services/support: Facilities Management Services, Space Management Services, and Exhibits and Artwork support.


  • Office renovation planning and execution, including Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings of proposed layout; renovations range from simple furniture replacement to coordination of complete office renovations involving construction of walls, repainting, carpeting, etc.
  • Office space planning (to determine best design/layout for functionality and efficiency)
  • Carpet cleaning, repair and replacement
  • Window treatment (drapery) cleaning and replacement
  • Moving services (to support office moves)
  • Coordination of trouble calls/maintenance issues (for both Pentagon and ASC)
  • Reviews, validates and coordinates requests for office space for all HQMC tenant commands.  At the Pentagon and Arlington Service Center.
  • Handles future space requests.
  • ARDD is responsible for production and maintenance of temporary and permanent exhibits for HQMC.
  • ARDD works closely with the National Museum of the Marine Corps art curators for special requests and hanging of historical artwork.
  • Most exhibits and artwork projects will require customer funding.

Contact Us

Facilities Management Section (ARDD)
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
Room 2B253
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Administration and Resource Management